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replied 1699d
Or this change is planned, and then it leaves plenty of time to have governance issues and social attacks like: "Bitcoin without SHA-256 is not Bitcoin, blah blah blah"

IdkAdding Avalanche as a second layer of security is another solution.On the problems solved by Avalanche:
replied 1699d
If social attacks mattered, then we wouldn't be here. ;)The current situation is just not sustainable. Having 1-3% of the global SHA256 hashrate is an existential threat.The same with the crippling 1MB limit, it is wise to solve these things before they become a problem. Changing the hash algo should be the #1 focus currently.
replied 1699d
I'd be interested to see an informed discussion on the pros and cons of merge mining Bitcoin Cash with Bitcoin Core.
replied 1699d
Tried it on an number of occasions. Sadly the BCH community is very misinformed and clueless when it comes to this topic.
replied 1699d
Id say many are fearful,scared of change and the risks associated
As for merge mining with an old fork,no
One of the main reasons Myspace died, Scalability, btc will die eventually too
replied 1699d
Yesterday, Kain_niaK said that It's stupid to change it because Roger and a chinese dude will always defend BCH.
The stupidity runs so fucking deep, it's lucky I already lost all hope in humanity when BSCore successfully hijacked BTC using retarded narratives and censorship.
replied 1699d
If J&R wanted to change the algo for long term safety, they would still have BCH and so would long as devs and community are in general consensus.
replied 1699d
It takes a very long time in crypto to understand all the little details, many just dont have the time or desire to put in the effort to keep learning.
replied 1699d
Majority of the people, even in the BCH community cares only about getting rich. This is why BTC is still #1 on the shitcoinmarket.
replied 1699d
What's the popular consensus?
replied 1699d
The consensus of the retarded pleb is that you are a Core/TPTB minion out to destroy BCH if you even talk about an algo change.Some goes as far as completely denying any of the risks posed by the low relative hashrate.While they downvote you to oblivion....(where did I see that????)
replied 1699d
Merged mining keeps the algorithm the same - I guess maybe we're talking about different things.
replied 1699d
I think merge mining won't float this boat and we should concentrate on breaking free rather than tying ourselves more to the BTC scheme. SHA256 voted already and their vote is BTC.
replied 1699d