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replied 915d
OK, I am certainly not an expert on this, but here is a walkthrough:
Now, surely, if this bubble bursts at least they have to do something
replied 915d
very drastic, like drop market liberalism or go do a big war (being "police" in Australia will not do I think it has to be a real, and hot war). And even then, leaders will lose much
replied 915d
Taiwan salad is already being prepared.
Let us all hope it ends as gracefully as the 'Malvinas' Falklands debacle did.
replied 915d
So what are you saying that they will do to simply make it go away? This has been kind of the way to get economic problems to go away it seems. Now it is overused and about to burst
replied 915d
Any economic problem they will simply redefine in terms they control.
Such a miracle would be redefining currency with a new banking system.
Over a long weekend, of course
replied 915d
I know China has a history of doing drastic things. However, in an interconnected world, running away from their economic commitments, that can lead to huge problems for them.
replied 914d
Not if who their commitments are to no longer exist
or are no longer capable of meaningful retaliation.
New videos trying to explain who is running covid suggest PRC has a script.
replied 914d
I have seen no such videos. Yes, there are nefarious forces at play, but I had thought CCP is just a pawn in this one. They cannot dictate the whole world (not yet anyway)
replied 913d
This just popped up,
source unknown but this reeks of what we are witnessing:
replied 913d
This is too long but extremely coherent.
The single frame-it-and-nail-it-to-the-wall point is that reinterpreting legal issues is a key tactic
replied 915d
Btw, I am saying a lot about this, but I do not really know a lot, I basically just parrot what I have been told.
replied 915d
There are no experts on China, not even Chinese experts.
I speak from a long experience of dealing with the 'expat' end of their culture.
They are not all that predictable. War is.
replied 915d
So what are you saying that they will do to simply make it go away? This has been kind of the way to get economic problems to go away it seems. Now it is overused and about to burst