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1798d · Space
Don't even engage with them, they're just trying to get a reaction. Nobody actually believes in flat earth unless they're retarded, it's essentially believing in magic
replied 1797d
just like watching them fall silent, or squirm😜
replied 1798d
Believing in NASA is worst than believing in 🎅 actually
replied 1798d
Believing in NASA is worst than believing in Blockstream.
replied 1798d
Found trash's alt haha. It's *worse* dumbass, not worst lol
replied 1798d
Tbh, i did realise that after i sent it,lol
I just copy n pasted and changed santa to Blockstream. Then saw the worst error 😄
replied 1798d
Lol ok bud.
replied 1798d
wait you didnt know, one of his 85 sockpuppets 😜😄😄😄😘😉🤣😎