Create account

Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1670d
I created this memo account to dump mine in, feel free to use it :-)
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1670d
Just tip the comment I made with that account with the tokens you want to burn is the easiest way to get rid unwanted tokens. Used to send to eater but that was a pain :-(
replied 1670d
I agree eater is not much use for burn.
TLT had token cemetery, which he could access and send them back from the dead lol
I actually want to burn them, not send them
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1670d
Use a non-SLP wallet, find the coins that correspond to the tokens you wish to burn, send those coins to yourself (or anyone). This burns the tokens.
replied 1670d
I tried sending to a bch address that doesnt do SLP..the coins sent/disappeared lol, but never got burnt
replied 1670d
What do you mean by find the coins?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1670d
Electron has a Burn tool as well (but didn't work for me until v3.5.1)
replied 1670d
Thanks ill try it out
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1670d
Ie., in the "Coins" tab in Electron Cash, find the "outpoint" that corresponds to the Tokens you were send (TX ID).
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1670d
Yeah I used twatters cemetery to send tokens to but then he used the to spam someone :-(

That's why I created my own dump.

Make a memo account and forget the password lol !!
replied 1670d
Actually discksnorter and pumpertis spammed me first. using token cemetery was a retaliation.
replied 1670d
Originally, I wanted to destroy the password, but then if someone sends a token by mistake then it's all lost.
replied 1670d
Yea, your the Undertaker of the grave yard, helping the lost souls find a route back home lol
I dont mind the cemetery, but im looking for the incinerator lol
replied 1670d
I prefer to think of myself as a necromancer. 😂
replied 1670d
Wizard of cryptOZ lol
replied 1670d
I was going to, but i want to lower the circulating supply, burning is only option.