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1398d · flipstarter
Flipstarter to funds for a new computer system to help RoyalTiffany continue to spread adoption.
replied 1398d
RoyalTiffany has been spreading adoption of bitcoin (yes BCH too) and other cryptos since 2015. Her computer has all but died so I thought it would be nice to try to raise some funds
replied 1398d
| for a new one. Was originally going to do it the old fashioned way of just messaging people but then though hey why not flipstart it. So I did just that. I'm sure all pledges will
replied 1398d
| be appreciated. Lets get her some up to date and working equipment for the holidays.
Please try to keep this a secret. I think it would make a nice surprise. If you have any
replied 1398d
| questions you can comment here or send me a PM.