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1568d · Politics
A person who practices, or advocates coercion (or government by coercion)
replied 1568d
I thought thug might be better but modern usage seems to not fit.
According to '~dictionaries' bully still seems to best describe a coercionist.
replied 1568d
The problem with the word bully is it seems to focus on verbal intimidation.
The reality of coercionist would be a spectrum from real physical threats to violence.
replied 1568d
The whole leftwing/rightwing distinction is now worse the useless, pseudo-tribal nonsense.

What’s a better term for anti-coercionist? Libertarian? Voluntarian?
replied 1568d
voluntaryist, non-aggressor, passive-resistor.
replied 1568d
This illustrates a gaping hole in human language.
We have no word for someone who violates beings.
We have no word for someone who respects consent, and its absence.
Well found.
replied 1568d
For now, I choose
VIOLATOR - who Harms, acting upon someone without their consent.
NON-VIOLATOR - who acts according to consent of those they influence.
from Latin vis ≈ force