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replied 1251d
Tougher lockdown implemented early would have eliminated the virus. If it had been done, many lives would have been saved.
replied 1251d
examples shown when implemented early, still cases emerged, I think they should find what exactly causes sever outcome & protect those ppl - not easy, but def simpler
replied 1251d
You can implement a measure and the outcome you seek may not eventuate but it is reasonable to believe you have reduced harm or the probability of harm.
replied 1251d
Strict measures resulted with unfavorable outcomes. Probable % is just fictive. Isolating the most resonating group would give results w/o affecting majority of population.
replied 1251d
For example, laws against murder are not perfect but help to detract people from murdering others. There are still many murders that occur even though murder is illegal.
replied 1251d
Question of murder and similar is the conscious moral inter-species imperative, you can not compare it w/ virus thats geared by survival instincts & etc. Don't associate
replied 1244d
My point is that measures put in place are often not perfect but not reaching perfection does not mean there is no progress.
replied 1244d
Murder laws don't eliminate all murders. Likewise, Covid measures eg masks and social distancing, don't eliminate transmission hut they do reduce transmission.
replied 1244d
only idiot can compare murder w/ virus, countries w/ strict measures still had biggest number of cases. I muted u bc ur full of it, this is not Reddit & ppl won't waste $ on ur bs BYE!
replied 1251d
We know a lot about Covid-19. It is a virus and it can be spread via droplets. Human interaction spreads it and so measures that limit human interaction would logically reduce spread.
replied 1251d
AIR-BORN! not droplets. can be transmitted by anything, on anything, inside anything. That's why it does not comply to expected scenarios. This logic proven to be fallible.
replied 1244d
Yes it can spread via air and surface etc. It spreads easily. This is why limited social interaction reduces spread of the virus.
replied 1244d
It doesn’t. It can transfer via air you breathe anywhere and on food packages, inside anything plastic ,,,, so stop screaming u making favors to nobody