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replied 1157d
in my mind theres better ways to build a good defense system than to inject things in your body that should not be there. Cold therapy, Fasting, Good Food. Workout, Meditation.
replied 1156d
Those things will not really help you beyond general health. To actually help your immune system you teach it with vaccines.
replied 1157d
I agree with you in theory. These approaches you mention are underappreciated because we have injections and so on, which leads to even more dependency on artificial approaches.
replied 1157d
However, I still have many issues with absolutist approaches. For this one, we have the question of what to do with human ingenuity in medicine. Should we make it illegal?
replied 1157d
Also, if used a lot, such rules turn out to be unclear. For example, "what should be in the body?". Distilled water for example, it has been slightly tampered with after all.
replied 1157d
Or suppose a kid swallowed a small stone, which make trouble in the stomach, should it be there? Some birds apparently swallow stones with good reason.
replied 1157d
In addition to this there is the question of extremely nasty diseases (Cov19 is not one). Should we not try to fight a disease that will wipe out most of humanity if unchecked?