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Been trying to get tipped this whole week. Stuff aint working chief
replied 1792d
Post some noodz.
replied 1792d
Give me a good music video without words. I will tip you, but I want music without words.
replied 1792d
replied 1792d
My favorite track from the arcade version;

I hope you enjoy.
replied 1566d
This song is pretty terrible, I don't know why I gave you 400,000 lol..
replied 1566d
i listened too it again, I changed my mind, it it not that terrible.
replied 1566d
it is*
replied 1792d
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i really like this
replied 1790d
try this relaxing music bro
replied 1790d
wow. Thank you, that triggers nostalgia in me.
replied 1790d
welcome :)
replied 1792d
Headphones on... dark room... close your eyes... this used to fuckin trip me out! Wow, haven’t heard that song in YEARS!

replied 1792d

Love this .🤩
replied 1792d
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replied 1792d
Do you know that?

replied 1792d
See you need to put a graphic warning on stuff like this, many people in the world have anxiety and are experiencing trauma, for whatever reason. I know it is hard to do so some times.
replied 1792d
A potent reminder of shared suffering..
replied 1792d
I am not perfect either but we both need to try are best.
replied 1792d
Was it too hard for you? Sorry.
replied 1792d
I will always forgive you Telesfor.
I love you.
replied 1792d
Whew, then I'm relieved. 😀
replied 1792d
I am desensitized too graphic material for the most part. I expect you too correct me in the same manner.
replied 1792d
I'll do my best.
replied 1792d
replied 1792d
This is good but it needs the first 28 seconds cut off the front end. Needs to be shortened with a tiny URL. What type of speakers do you use?
replied 1792d
I'd use tinyurl, but it'd break on Memo and wouldn't show the video :/
replied 1792d
I use gaming headphones. I have another pair specifically for music on my phone via Bluetooth. TV has a nice sound system and subwoofer too.
replied 1792d
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replied 1792d
This is in the official soundtrack, and it's really good too.

replied 1792d
Too sad for me
replied 1792d
Yeah, i get that. To me it's a mix of sad and inspirational. But does give vibes of building a future we'll never get to have...
replied 1792d
How about this classic?

replied 1792d
I have been listening to music non stop for 5 months, I am getting even pickier then I was before. A while ago I decided I hated music with words for the most part. Most songs anyways
replied 1792d
The words interrupt how your mind interprets the music I think.
replied 1792d
Listening to music nonstop would probably do that to anyone. The more you listen, the stronger the melody needs to be in order to evoke the same feeling. Similar thing with drugs.
replied 1792d
I disagree with your perspective, most music genuinely should not have life wasted on it.
We are at an empath, what say you?
replied 1792d
Wasted in what way? By listening to it, composing it, marketing it, etc.?
replied 1792d
How much time do you think it would take to listen to all music?
replied 1792d
Interesting question. It certainly isn't possible to do so in one's lifetime, but considering the estimate that there are 97 million songs in existence, probably several centuries.
replied 1792d
About 500+ years if they average 3 minutes a piece.
replied 1792d
So my estimate is somewhat there. Average running time is debatable, as some of the songs in the statistics haven't ever been recorded.
replied 1792d
Sorry for being rude, but I get very upset with bad music. As soon as I hear words I usually close the tab/song. But not always.
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1792d
Kinda depends on how you clarify "all"

I listen to a fair bit of music, often various radio stations so I get to listen to things I wouldn't pick myself, good way to hear new stuff.
replied 1792d
I have abandoned Radio and "Tv", for the Google AI.
I use multiple accounts too find what I want.
We try our best too not piss each other off
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1792d
I know you don't like words in your music but the thing I have on regularly played at the moment is Elvis Costello, this year's model.

Give it a try, put it on in the background ;-)
replied 1792d
I'm completely the same way. Many songs on the radio these days are about love and romance and i cannot relate whatsoever. The music is enjoyable, just not as powerful as other things.
replied 1792d
So game osts, and other non-lyrical stuff typically is more interesting to me. That being said, there is still music with lyrics that i like. It's just not in typical genres.
replied 1792d
I've posted this before, but it's a really good track.

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This is the best one, except they are talking, but it is okay because I am sure no one can understand them.
replied 1792d
nice, im happy your enjoying it, ill fire some more ear candy for you later tonight 😎
replied 1792d
Didn't expect so much music from everyone, I am going to have too raise the bar, I am not rich you know.
replied 1792d
lol, no need to keep tipping, just relax and enjoy 😘
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