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Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1447d
GovTube shall soon get its disguise ripped off.
replied 1447d
The YouTube lady said so herself, she will censor any video that doesno't support the world health organization, which supplys the world with the CCP narrative. So it is CCPTube now.
replied 1447d
I spelled it inadequately:
govTube - the global government propaganda machine.
They mask their evil by using works of people
who simply do not yet recognize that they are pawns.
replied 1447d
You should use iridium for YouTube if you use chrome, it makes it easy to block things, it's a bit buggy though but I use it a lot.
replied 1447d
My BCHD node has taken several excruciatingly slow months to SYNC,
It runs on a sliver of what it needs, and needs full index.
It serves and renders IPFS media on MEMO protocol.
replied 1447d
I am not sure what you want me to do about that lol. I have nothing to do with BCHD.
I wish you good luck and I hope you work out what you are wishing too accomplish.
replied 1447d
Just a MEMO portal which
simply ignores govTube links in favor of IPFS links.
No need to fight city hall if you can simply replace it,
as Bucky would have said.
Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1447d
Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1447d
about time