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Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
Memo and the whole SLP protocol fast becoming a embarrassment to BCH. Everyone needs to call out these stupid bullshit tokens.


replied 1586d
What part of "permission-less" do you have trouble understanding? ;)
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1586d
"Permission less" doesn't equal "except shitty behaviour". The more shitty behaviour is called out as shitty behaviour by the community, the less shitty behaviour you will have.
replied 1586d
The very same thing happened with the flood of shitcoins in the early years of Bitcoin.

Humans are overwhelmingly shitty.
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1586d
I don't know if there was a flood, there was certainly a few but most had some kind of plan, from my memory it wasn't untill Eth came along things seemed to explode in number of coins
replied 1586d
You really don't know? WTF. in a short time there were thousands of useless fucking shitcoins and they had 1 plan only: making their imbecile creators rich.
replied 1587d
Sent you some of my pointless tokens! 🙂
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1587d
Lol please don't dude !! Now and then I clear up my tokens and send the shittest of them to a token dump. It usually ends up taking ages and costing thousands of sats!! It's not funny!
replied 1586d
if you send to non-slp wallet you can usually redeem slightly more sats than the tx cost.
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1586d
Created this account ages ago to send tokens too, I possibly wrote down the password lol but maybe not !!

I just been tipping them to it.
replied 1586d
Try the SLP recycler tool on the Member tools page
replied 1587d
Sorry 😁

I keep all of them because some of them might have value and I don't have time to sort them out.
replied 1587d
Man you are right... this platform was cool years ago now it is really different
replied 1586d
I mean, everyone seems to have left, leaving only beggars and scammers.

There were a few people that seemed to be genuine on here maybe a few months ago, but they vanished.
replied 1586d
There's a good filter on for beggars and spammers
replied 1586d
Not really. You gotta do manual blocks
replied 1586d
It was always shit.
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1587d
replied 1587d
lounched is very convincing
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1587d
It's a launch but not a ordinary launch, it's extra special, this token got LOUNCHED.