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replied 1702d
Cry me a #river, bitch.
replied 1702d
🌪🌀🌊 Grab a canoe 🤣
replied 1702d
Why don't you sell yourself down the river.
replied 1702d
Don't wanna make Poseidon smile. ~Zeus 🤣
replied 1702d
I will poseidon you with a #kriptonite mafukta.
replied 1702d
'I like green bling 😂 ~Zeus'
I believe you were thinking of Superman, he has allergy on greens. Nice body though 😉
replied 1702d
I am Superman, #brezay.
replied 1702d
Proof? 😁
replied 1702d
At this point, you will just have to trust me.