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Think of the planet!

Consider killing yourself TODAY.
replied 1256d
As Carlin said, the Earth is fine, the people might be fucked. Humanity isn't even close to the worst thing that's happened to the planet so far.
replied 1244d
Fuck you too
replied 1256d
This retard was going on about how he isn't on the left or the right, he clearly is a leftist freak who approves of depopulation. He said he is a centrist, yet he has the snake flag.
replied 1256d
This yellow snake guy is also a stupid retard and also spies on people, they can both take their own advice for being retarded assholes.
replied 1244d
Fuck you..
replied 1256d
This person is a massive retard, and she spies on people.
replied 1256d
oh a new uther sockpuppet. How's your alcoholism?
replied 1256d
Burn in hell demon bitch.
replied 1256d
You have alternative accounts too, I how ever do not care if you know that is my account. You want me too name it Uther?
replied 1256d
I make it very easy too see which account is mine. The retards here never complained about my multiple accounts when they were all the same name, suddenly it's a big deal.
replied 1256d
I take that as "I still have alcohol problems". 😅
replied 1255d
You support depopulation over and over, anyone trying to be friends with you has a terrible moral compass and they are foolish fucking losers.
replied 1256d
Stop addiction shaming, the tough approach just makes people feel bad, teaching them to stop wallowing in their pity and digging their own hole deeper, not okay!
replied 1255d
Uther is a complete jackass. Look back in his history & you'll see him berating people, then apologizing the next day saying "Sorry I was drunk". Now he skips the apologies.
replied 1244d
You belong in Hell, you are lucky it doesn't exist.
replied 1244d
This guy is a massive asshole, he is scum.
replied 1244d
Another Uther sockpuppet account joins the fun.
replied 1255d
Sorry, not going to take sides here. At the end of the day, people can only be who they are. Besides, I was being facetious.
replied 1256d
I bought a canvas, washer-safe, grocery store bag to use. That kind of helps.