2024-11-25, there were 16139 txs on BCH chain, 573384 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.8% 1902008-1901927=81 memo txs, 📈32.8%(compared w/ prev 61), account for 50.2‱ of all BCH txs
"Sometimes you need to get lost to find your way" In life we learn and grow not only through good experiences but also from committing some mistakes. It happen for a reason, believe it!
2024-11-30, there were 15470 txs on BCH chain, 609745 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.5% 1902735-1902643=92 memo txs, 📉29.8%(compared w/ prev 131), account for 59.5‱ of all BCH txs
Community involvement is the backbone of SHIBCH’s growth, and every voice matters. I urge all holders to actively post using consistent hashtags like #SHIBCH,
Community involvement is the backbone of SHIBCH’s growth, and every voice matters. I urge all holders to actively post using consistent hashtags like #SHIBCH,